Huge Potential & Missed Opportunity

California's Green Revolution: Navigating the highs and hurdles of  the cannabis landscape

California, known for its forward-thinking and progressive nature, has emerged as a beacon of the legalized cannabis movement in the United States. With the passing of Proposition 64 in 2016, which legalized the recreational use of cannabis, the Golden State has witnessed a flourishing cannabis industry that reshaped the market and generated enormous economic opportunities. Is it perfect? Not even close! In this blog post, we will delve into the cannabis landscape in California, exploring its impact, challenges, and the potential it holds for the future.

Historical Context

To truly understand the significance of the cannabis industry in California, it is crucial to delve into its historical context. From the counterculture movements of the 1960s to the passage of medical cannabis through Prop 215 in 1996, California has been at the forefront of the cannabis revolution. These milestones laid the foundation for the current legal framework and created a fertile ground for the industry to thrive.

Prop 64 Passed, but at what cost?

As large and insanely profitable as the industry in California is, the black market is still the majority of the retail market. Why is that? Cali offered an opt-out to cities that wouldn’t vote for legalized recreational cannabis. By allowing cities to say, “no thank you, we’ll pass on the grass,” Prop 64 won passage by 57% to 43% in November 2016. Advocates, patients, and industry won a historic victory! However, the State also sowed seeds for vast cannabis deserts that flourished as breeding grounds for unregulated cannabis sales.

Looking Ahead

The industry is young and it must overcome big challenges. We at Pac Garden think that with more green cities, lower taxes, and higher regulated retail sales, the future prospects are very, very bright for California cannabis. Making these changes will take time and effort at the local and state levels. Federally, the temptation of legalization may seem like a panacea, but California cannabis enthusiasts and entrepreneurs have far more control in Sacramento in the push to lower taxes and bring more cannabis sales into the regulated market.

Pac Garden has been in the industry since 2017. Not nearly as long as some of our legacy friends, but we know the game and we love the plant. Our commitment is to see the California cannabis industry thrive, and to continually evolve along with it as we continue the slow march forward, growing our businesses and expanding the influence of California cannabis along the way.

Pac Garden Assets

Pac Garden Assets


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